Happy bunnies love their timothy hay
My buns Pancake and Waffle are pretty picky buns as most buns are. I have always found it a struggle to get them to eat enough hay. I have three or four different bags right now, most of which is being used as litter box fodder. I decided well it cant hurt to try yet another new hay so I ordered the popular 8 lb box of timothy hay. When it arrived my daughter said ‘wow that is a cool box!’ We took it in her room and popped it open. the wonderful smell of fresh hay filled the room. This hay is the greenest hay I have ever seen and I have bought a lot of hay. We grabbed a hay basket and filled it with the yummy new hay. The buns dug right in and munched all night, the basket was empty the next morning and there were still pellets left in their bowls. I refilled the basket in the morning and by mid afternoon it was empty again. Pancake and Waffle say “four paws up!” Well they would if their mouths weren’t full of hay!
Thanks goes to Rebecca for sending this review in by email. We live to hear stories like this!
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